My Story
Around 5 years ago, when my boy Frank was still a baby, I noticed his fascination with buttons, switches, and levers.
Often he would have me hold him next to a light switch just so he could flip it off, jerk his head around to confirm that the bulb was indeed on, and whirl back around again to toggle the switch back on Over and over again. He was so fascinated by the cause and effect of a switch and a light bulb.
At around the same time, I had an incredibly hard time keeping him quietly entertained during church meetings, and I fell in love with the idea of a simple book with buttons and lights.
Computer Engineering for Babies is designed to be (quietly) entertaining while helping build basic intuition for simple digital logic concepts.

Frank is six now. And after leaving and coming back to this project too many times, I've finally found the drive to finish it all the way to production.
I've gone through at least 8 different prototypes, and redesigned the circuit board at least 5 times to get it to where it is today.
If you want to get really into the weeds, here's an in-depth post about How I Built Computer Engineering for Babies.

I studied computer engineering in school, and was surprised by how simple some of the concepts are. Yet, I wasn't introduced to any of them until after high school.
Computers are made up of on and off signals, and this book introduces some of the ways that computers combine on/off signals to do interesting things.