Big Babies October 2023 Project Update

Hey ChatGTP, "I need you to write a Kickstarter update to notify my backers that we're behind schedule, but I haven't given up on delivering in time for Christmas."

This resulted in the most cliche Backer email, and read exactly like every backer update I've ever received. My favorite part:

Excuses as a service


I know with these updates everyone wants to hear, "Everything is ahead of schedule, and I've also discovered that the book is machine washable!" Unfortunately, we're not ahead of schedule, and the book is also not machine washable.


Almost Machine Washable


The circuit boards are finished and ready to go. The problem is the switch caps. In the last update, I mentioned the injection molder was redoing samples of the switch caps. So the samples came back, and the molder decided that they weren't good enough. I guess the draft angles weren't enough and they were afraid that it would cause issues down the road. So we got that fixed, but then there was an issue with the little nubs on the side of the switch not coming out properly, so they had to make more changes to the mold. I've been super frustrated because everything else is either finished or can't be finished until we have these switch caps done. Samples for the third revision came back two days ago, and it sounds like all the bugs have been worked out. So now the caps are finally in production. 


Sample Caps


I've been told that the switches will be done this week, and assembling the books will start next week. But this whole ordeal with the caps has basically eaten up three weeks. My timeline had about 2-3 weeks of margin built into it, and all of that is gone now. One thing I can do to speed things up, instead of putting all the books on a boat to the US, and then shipping them out from here, is to ship them directly to you directly from the manufacturer. It costs a little bit more, but it should save another 2-3 weeks of time. I haven't given up on delivering in time for Christmas, but I don't have much wiggle room left.

And that's mostly it. I've been working on the backer survey to collect shipping address and VAT. I think I should have that ready to email out in the next week or two. And hopefully a month from now, the update will be "Books are done and starting to ship!" 
