Dennis Wheeler CE for Babies YouTube Review

Dennis Wheeler CE for Babies YouTube review

From the moment we saw the background of Dennis Wheeler’s YouTube review, we knew he was our people.

It’s obvious Dennis knows his CE so to hear him go on about the beautiful simplicity of these logic gates brought a massive smile to my face.

Here’s the full script for the Dennis Wheeler CE for Babies YouTube review!

Dennis Wheeler Computer Engineering for Babies YouTube Review

I got to show you this really cool book I bought for my grandson, Parker.

It’s the coolest thing I think I've ever seen. Computer Engineering for Babies.

Basic Logic Gates

It's got these basic logic gates. These are two NOT gates. So, there's no power to this, which means there is power to this, which means there’s no power to the lightbulb.

But if we press the button, then power comes through the first, which turns off power to the second, which turns on power to the lightbulb.

It’s got these giant buttons, and big thick pages. Really thick pages.

Wire, NOT gate, OR gate

Dennis Wheeler YouTube review OR gate

Here’s the next one, it’s just a straight wire. So we push the button and the light comes on.

The next page, here's just a single NOT gate. So we can see there’s no power here, which means there is power here, and the lights are already on. So if we push the button, the light goes off.

And the OR gate. OR gate means either one will turn it on. Or both. You can push them both at the same time and it comes on.

The next page. These are thick pages.

AND gate, XOR, a Latch

Dennis Wheeler YouTube review OR gate

The AND gate. Just simple logic gates. So, neither one will turn it on, it has to be both at the same time to turn on an AND gate. It's just these great big buttons that are easy to push, and these big thick pages that are easy for kids to manipulate.

Exclusive OR (XOR) gate says either one will turn on the light, but not both. Not both. So, that’s so cool.

And the final, the last one, is a Latch. This is so cool.

So we’ve got the NOT gate, AND gate, and OR gate, and this loops back around to the AND gate.

So we have a set, turn on the light. And a reset, turns off the light.

It’s just so cool. All the engineering, electronics is inside, a big pocket in a panel to replace the batteries.

Computer Engineering for Babies. It’s just the coolest thing I think I’ve ever seen and I can’t wait to sit down, and you know, read it…so to speak…with my grandson Parker. I hope he enjoys it.

It’s just so so cool.

Final thoughts on the Dennis Wheeler CE for Babies YouTube Review

Dennis, shoot us an email and let us know if Parker enjoyed it as much as you did!

If you have a grandson, here’s the link for Computer Engineering for Babies!

*a grandson or a son/granddaughter/daughter/mother/father/need an excuse to buy yourself a copy ;)

Contact us and let you know how you like it.